To spread the original, universal and eternal truth, path or law of yoga, which remains forever the same in essence, yet always adapts to the time and place.

Number 2 in Indian Numerology

Online Indian numerology calculators : psychic & destiny number - name number - year number - month number - day number .

NR. 2
Ruling Planet
(provides important information on the essential nature of your number)

Yantra for meditation Click for a large image of this vedic planet yantra for meditation
As Psychic Number Shy and sensitive, emotional but repressed, indecisive and moody, much like the waxing and waning of the moon, an off and on changeable nature. Fragile, reflective, poetic, artistic and romantic. Possessing natural healing gifts. A delicate nature and easily cold, insecure, dependent on help. Passionate and perceptive, peacemakers, diplomatic, always seeking harmony, truthful, tough fighters when provoked. Don't learn from their mistakes, forgive, forget and repeat lessons. Need a lot of privacy and time alone, need rest, easily addicted to sweets.
As Destiny Number Charming, warm, kind, co-operative, private, mystical, tactful, easily hurt as very sensitive. Will withhold affection/contact and move away from stressful situations and problems, will not 'make war'. Need security and emotional support, dependent nature, looking for stability and comfort in relationships. Need solitude to balance, prefer calming companionship to lively dazzle. Spiritual, truth loving, excellent counselors as they care. Difficulty making instant commitments. Non-athletic yet agile.
As Name Number TEACHER, will expand healing qualities and serve as a reflection of cosmic truth to all.
Friendly Numbers 1, 3
Enemy Numbers 5, 4
Day Monday
Color White
Gem Pearl
Metal Silver
Body Chemistry Mucus (Kappha)
Karmic Lesson Individual stability
Best suited professions Diplomats, arbitrators, real estate, salesmen, politicians, teachers, researchers, reformers
Compatible numbers for :  

Vedic numerology introduction to number 2, by Rudy Kuhn, produced by Eastern Motion Pictures

Learn more about indian and vedic astrology

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Harish Johari
Christina Richa Devi

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Sanatan Society is an international networking association of students of the late Harish Johari, joining efforts to promote his teachings of yoga philosophy, tantra, worship, art and love. Sanatan Society stands for the original, universal and eternal truth, path or law of yoga. Though it is Hindu in origin, Sanatan Society is not limited to any religion, race, time or country, nor in fact to any particular organisation. More about Sanatan Society...

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